Creative Notebook

A journal of notes about my creative processes, especially in revising my main Web site at ("Cartoon Stories for Thoughtful People"). This blog doesn't contain the work itself; it's essentially a meta-journal of background notes.

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

A professional bio is currently at (click the "About San" button); from that page there's a link to a longer personal bio.

October 16, 2004

Perfectionism Not A Blog Trait

I've been away working on my "real" website, but in the back of my mind I've been aware that I haven't been posting here. I suspect part of the reason is that, as a professional writer (and illustrator, but that's not relevant), I'm used to carefully reviewing and revising everything I write -- even emails I send. This is generally a good thing; there's an old saying, "Good writing isn't written -- it's re-written." However, I suspect that careful revision -- or maybe any revision -- isn't really in the spirit of blogging. The only way I'm ever going to keep this thing going is to write quick impromptu remarks about my current creative process -- which is the official subject matter of this blog -- and then let them stand.

I've spent a lot of time creating a new Radnor Wentworth cartoon story (much more elaborate than the one that's currently up there), but I haven't posted it yet. I've also been working on adding new sections to my Sanstudio website -- sections for sketches, illustration, and other things -- and I've been working on the Site Map. What's the big deal with a site map, you ask? Nobody uses those things anyway! Well, that may be true, but for me it's an excuse to improve my JavaScript and CSS skills. Learning more JavaScript is time-consuming, and it pulls me away from my drawing, writing, and... um... making a living. So I guess I should stop. However, I find JavaScripting kind of addictive, or maybe I just can't stand the thought of not knowing how to do something I want to do. I guess I should add JavaScript to my mental list -- along with perfectionism and a few other time-sponges -- of things I need to limit.

Now if I can post this draft without revising it -- imperfections and all -- that will be something special for me!